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Cloud Security Dynamic Risk

Providing Everything You Need by our Infralytics™

Easy Integration with AWS and Azure

Our solution seamlessly integrates with both AWS and Azure environments, ensuring your connection is established effortlessly. The security of our solution is meticulously tested and comprehensively assured, with all extracted data encrypted using a specific customer key. Our solution gains only read access and automatically scans all your cloud assets, extracting all applied security controls. Based on your chosen risk management framework, it generates detailed risk assessment reports. These reports show the likelihood and impact of risks for all assets, presented in a professional and encrypted format, ensuring you are always informed and have a risk management plan.

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Seamless integration with AWS and Azure

Image by milos tomasevic

Comprehensive Risk Report

Risk Management Frameworks

​Our solution currently generates the risk report based on the following standards and guides:

Risk Mitigation Strategy

Our cutting-edge solution not only identifies and assesses the risks within your cloud infrastructure but also proposes tailored mitigation strategies and actionable items for each detected risk, ensuring a comprehensive security posture. By leveraging advanced analytics and our deep understanding of cloud environments, we prioritize risks based on their potential impact and likelihood, presenting you with a clear, prioritized list of recommendations. These recommendations are designed to be actionable and effective, allowing your team to focus on implementing measures that significantly reduce vulnerabilities and enhance your overall security. Our approach ensures that you are aware of the risks and equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to address them proactively, keeping your digital assets secure and your operations running smoothly.

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Risk-based SIEM

Deploying SIEM in the cloud comes with its own set of technical challenges, such as data collection from diverse sources, ensuring scalability and performance, maintaining compliance, and managing costs effectively. Our solution is designed to navigate these challenges efficiently by adopting a risk-based approach and prioritizing log analytics and data connections based on detected priorities.

Our solution overcomes these hurdles by:

1. Automated Data Integration:

Our system automatically integrates logs from various cloud services and platforms, ensuring seamless data collection without the need for extensive manual configuration.

2. Risk-Based Prioritization of Logging and Monitoring:

Using a risk-based approach, our system analyzes and prioritizes events based on their potential impact. This prioritization allows for more efficient log analytics, focusing on what truly matters and reducing the volume of data to be processed.

3. Compliance Assurance:

Understanding the importance of compliance, our solution is designed to adhere to regulatory requirements automatically, alleviating the burden of manual compliance checks.

Cyber resilience approach

Our approach moves beyond mere compliance to aim for true cyber resilience by adopting a maturity model framework. This model is not simply about meeting the minimum standards but evolving systematically from basic, reactive measures to proactive and optimized cyber resilience strategies.

The model has five levels:

1. Reactive (Level 1) 

At this stage, an organization's cyber risk management is minimal, largely regulatory-driven, with only a fundamental response to security incidents.

2. Defined (Level 2)

Here, cyber risk management is more structured, with defined roles, data classification, and protection strategies that align with business objectives.

3. Managed (Level 3)

Organizations actively manage their cyber security with a clear strategy and integrated processes into the overall business operations, leading to more effective detection and response mechanisms.

4. Measured (Level 4)

At this level, cyber resilience metrics are established across the enterprise, ensuring a coordinated response to threats with process alignment and workflow integration.

5. Optimized (Level 5)

The highest level represents a stage where cyber resilience strategies are integrated across the enterprise with continuous improvement, advanced analytics, and a strong focus on performance management.

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